Is your child or adolescent struggling with behavior problems at home or at school?

American children live in a culture where they are increasingly exposed to anger, anxiety, violence and aggression. This exposure comes from many sources, increasing these children’s risk for adopting inappropriate behavioral responses and poor conflict resolution skills.

Children and teens with behavioral problems are at even higher risk for having conflict at home, school and in the community. Many children today are modeling their responses to their peers, parents and teachers after video games, TV, movies and other media sources.

The news reports regularly on children and adolescents who are responding to conflict with violence, bullying and suicide. Don’t be part of the next news report!

Are you tired of feeling you and your child are constantly having a negative interaction?

Conflict is a part of life and children need the opportunity to learn positive, non-violent ways to deal with various situations that come their way. We can help teach you and your child better ways to deal with behaviors that are becoming disruptive and unhealthy!

Is your child or teenager struggling with:

  • Frequent temper tantrums.
  • Excessive arguments with adults.
  • Refusal to comply with adult requests.
  • Always questioning rules; refusal to follow rules.
  • Behavior intended to annoy or upset others, including adults.
  • Blaming others for one’s own misbehaviors or mistakes.