Depression has been described as an epidemic in the United States today and according to statistics 1 in 10 children are suffering from depression. Many children and adolescents go undiagnosed and described as moody by their parents, teachers and friends, yet they are suffering from what is sometimes referred to as “low-grade” depression or dysthymia. Determining whether a child or adolescent is just moody or suffering from dysthymia or clinical depression is essential to avoid long-term chronic symptoms and suffering. Early signs, symptoms, self-harm and suicidal thoughts should be explored, assessed and monitored closely. Early prevention and treatment is essential.

Understanding the cues, signs, symptoms, questions to ask, and resources to utilize as educators, healthcare professionals, allied health professionals and mental health professionals is essential to helping a child and adolescent get the support that they need. Growing up in an increasingly, economically stressful and challenging world continues to increase the risk for depression and in our youth. The research indicates that the more stress and depression management skills our youth receive in school and at home, the better the chance of managing stress, avoiding clinical depression and improving their work success as an adult when in stressful situations.

We can help you with depression by assessing properly to determine the core/neurological issues and then treat it with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Neurofeedback, Alpha-stim(CES) and more depending upon the co-occurring issues. Call us and let us talk with you about what we have to offer to assist you in moving from depression to happiness.