According to the Centers for Disease Control, Autism effects 1 in 88 children. This number continues to rise and has increased substantially over the last 10 years. There are an array of treatment options being used to improve functioning in children with Autism. Neurofeedback training and emotion recognition training are two that have had positive outcomes for many of these children.

The term Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) includes the diagnoses of Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified. One of the primary deficits in ASD is impaired social communication. Children with ASD often have difficulty reading emotions, have a poor ability to recognize social behaviors in others, a poor ability to understand or interpret social behavior, a poor ability to respond socially and/or a poor ability to form social attachments and connections. Children on the spectrum often have difficulty with the give and take of social interactions with their peers.

At Neurobehavioral Counsulting we assess the childs ability to recognize emotions, read facial expressions, body language and provide appropriate social responses. By providing specialized emotion recognition and social communication training, we are able to improve social communication and social skills.

Treatment considerations to assist with Autism treatment include: Social/Emotion Skills Therapy, Neurofeedback, Alpha-stim and Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy.